Look at the mess he's making - I can help him clean it up!

Look at the mess he's making - I can help him clean it up!
Growing up with him, I wish I could tell you that I was a good "big sister" - but I wasn't. Back then - I resented his intrusion in my life. Our mother was a single mom for most of our growing up years, and she had to work constantly to make ends meet. This was back in the days when your mother would always tell you to "go find something to do or I will find something for you to do!" Wherever I went, I always had to take my baby brother with me. As a result, he was always the brunt of my frustrations. My poor brother was pushed into many an ant pile - I am sorry to say!
Needless to say though, if anyone else would happen to pick on him, I would jump to his defense. He was - after all - my sweet baby brother!
Over all of these years I never heard my brother complain once about the injustices done to him by his older sister. I used to hold him down and pound on his chest until he would tell me what my presents were that mom had bought me, I would climb up into the loft in our garage and laugh at him when he called for me. Whatever I did to him - he always seemed to forgive me and (I am not sure why ) always looked up to me.
I left home at an early age. Earlier than I should have -I was only sixteen years old. My mom told me years ago that my brother would stand at the screen door back then, and wait for me - wait for me to come home.
My brother and I reminisce about our childhood, and the things that we had to go through as a family. I am not proud of the person I was back then, but I truly believe that God used that time to help me learn and mold me into the person I am today.
We lost our beloved mother to Lupus about four years ago. My brother and I have always been close, but I think that we have become closer since our mother passed away. It is only the two of us now.
My brother is such a wonderful man. He is a beautiful husband and father. He didn't have the best role models in his life, but despite it all - he has grown to be the kindest, most loving man that I know.
When he was growing up, I took care of him. As the years have gone by, he has taken care of me. He has come to my rescue many times in my life. Digging me out and helping me on my feet again.
My brother was such a big help to me when I prepared for the move to Georgia. Even though he really didn't want me to go - he still helped me by taking truck load after truck load to the dump, refinished my hardwood floors, (he is a hardwood floor man by trade) ripped out my carpeting so that we could put new carpets in our rental, helped us to get the best deal for those carpets. He is truly amazing!
He is such a hardworker - even though his health isn't the greatest. He is almost in constant pain due to some of the autoimmune disorders that he has inherited from our mother. He always puts others first in his life even when he is hurting.
I stand in awe of the beautiful man that you are - my dear brother. You have taught me so much by your gentle example.
I miss you more than I can say! I hope that your day is easy and that you are able to take some time to enjoy it. Even though I harass and tease you - I hope you always know how much you mean to me.
Happy, Happy Birthday Little Brother - I love you!
I put the cookies that I drizzled chocolate on, in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes so that the chocolate was able to harden. I don't recommend packing them one on top of the other when putting together your cookie plate- they will stick together.
I have a few more recipes that I want to share with you but it is getting late so I will put out a post with those recipes tomorrow morning. I have a recipe for Gingersnaps, and Almond Roca to share - so check back tomorrow!
On a side note- thanks to all of the kind comments left to me yesterday after my mishap with the squirrel. This morning, on the way to church I closed my eyes when we passed through the area where I hit him. My husband told me that he was not there! I think that there is a chance that he may have survived. After I hit him, I looked in my mirror and he was thrashing around. I am hoping now that he had a chance to get his bearings and was able to get away unscathed. Maybe I didn't actually hit him - maybe he was just stunned for a moment. Whatever happened, I am so glad that I don't have to go by that sight everyday. I am such a goober - I know - but I truly can't stand the thought of causing harm to anything.
Blessings to you,
So far I have made four of them. I still have four more to go. I was hoping to fill in the centerpiece with all eight of them like I did in my November post that I directed you to. But what do you think about leaving it like this - less is more? Or should I add in more of the candles around the outside of the filled jar. I even tried it with the top on the jar like you see in my very first picture at the top of this post, and I also tried it with candles inside the jar - which I wasn' t too crazy about. Maybe I don't even need the jar or - maybe I am just overthinking this whole thing!
I would love to hear your suggestions and also how you like this easy project that I made. If you try it for yourself, please send me your link and I will feature it on my blog so that we can all can see your "take" on this project and how it works in your home!
I am having so much fun finding inexpensive ways to make my home beautiful! I hope to be able to share more ideas with you in the future so come back to see me soon!
Blessings to you,
Here, Ginger is showing you our tree. Move out of the way Ginger, and let the people see! (wow- I just noticed my star is crooked on top of the tree! ~sigh~)
It's kind of blurry - I seem to have the shakes today!
I finally have stair railings to decorate - yet, as I said before I am on a very limited budget. I had to use things that I had in my craft room. I tore apart a poinsettia plant and scattered them throughout my house. As you can see, I used them in my tree, on my mantle, and on my railing. I just added touches of gold throughout to balance it all out. When I started out, I wasn't sure if I would be able to decorate everything because my house is so big and my budget so small. I am happy with it for this year. There are more things that I want to do, but it will have to wait until next year after I am able to hit the after Christmas sales.
This is by far one of my favorite treasures. (Shaky picture again!) I used a candlestick holder to put the angel up high. She is looking down on the beloved Christ Child. Yes, that is my hubby's favorite treasure up above the Nativity!Edited to add: It's his 52" monstrosity of a television.
I was so excited to find this wooden container at Hobby Lobby. I sure do love that store! I got it 50% off - a bargain at $7.00. I added cinnamon scented pinecones and some candles that I already had. Instant centerpiece!