I have been trying to get into the swing of going back to school - now my whole life seems to revolve around studying which has been a real adjustment! I am doing very well in my class so far - but I need a life again! If I sit down too long I feel guilty -I feel like I need to study.
I decided it was time to get away from it all for awhile and take advantage of some retail therapy. Time to go to one of my favorite places to hunt for treasures - Goodwill!
I can't wait to show you my pretty finds for the day!

I immediately fell in love with these unique plates. I bought two of them - the blue one will go in my dining room and the green one in my guest bedroom. They were only $1.99 a piece!

There were a lot of these for sale - in all different colors -

I am always on the lookout for green and blue items for my dining room now - I LOVE this little plate! Is it my imagination - or are prices going up at the Goodwill and other thrift stores? I think they finally caught on to our love of all things old and are raising the prices. This beauty was $3.50 - still a good deal, but I ended up having to put a few items back - I could have done some serious damage to my pocketbook this day!
I debated on whether I really wanted this or not - I decided it was too cute to pass up. Glad it came home with me!
Sorry for the fuzzy picture - I am not sure if this will be the pear's final resting place - I am not too good at putting things together. Should I elevate the pear? What do you think I should put inside my little birdcage - it needs something...just not sure what. Should I put some hydrangea blooms in there - maybe in greens and blues to tie it all together? I will be sure to take a better picture to show you when I find that special something to balance it all out.

I love this pretty picture although I will definitely be painting the frame. I may just get a new frame for it altogether. I will put this in my guest room - I am happy with the pretty things I am finding for that room - can't wait to show you the finished results! We have both of our boys here (our twins) with us for the summer - so our guest room is stripped of all its frilliness for now. When one son goes back home at the end of the month - I will put all of my pink things back into his room.

Here is another plate that I found for my guest room. I almost squealed when I spotted it! Isn't it pretty? I am amazed at the beautiful things that people get rid of! Their loss my gain right?

Aren't these candlesticks perfect for my blue and yellow kitchen? I thought so too!
I hope you enjoyed looking at my new treasures. It was great fun to get away from it all for a bit and now I am refreshed and ready to get back to the books!
Till next time...
Blessings to you,
So glad you took the time to recharge your batteries. Everyone needs a little downtime from their regular routine.
Love all the "treasures" you found I think you are right about the pricing. I sometimes think their is a little man on the shelf at the grocery store changing prices, while I shop.
I think your green plate would be beautiful, used as a tray on a dresser, vanity, or chest, in your guest room. However you use it, it will look gorgeous.
A bird's nest with some eggs might look good in your birdcage. As you can tell, I'm no decorator.
Those were all beautiful "finds"...Glad you're taking a break! We need that to keep our sanity, to rejuvenate...God bless you sister and He is the Ultimate Energizer so you can keep going and going and going :)
Boy, I wanna go to the Goodwill in your neighborhood! I am on the lookout for some teacups. I love all your plates. They're beautiful and inexpensive...my 2 favorite things.:)
Nice finds! I too love the bargains that make the room look extra special. Blessings as you attack once again the job in front of you of schooling, studying, and figuring out where to put those new-found beauties! : ) Blessings-Kathy
Such a fun way to spend your time, true treasure hunting. So glad that God blessed you with joys for your heart. He truly delights to give us the desires of our heart.
Delighted to meet you.
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
Hi Beginner,
Great ideas! I giggled when you suggested the birds nest with eggs. I found it funny - but I hadn't even thought of that! How silly of me -Just the touch it needs. Now I will be on the lookout for them!
Thank you for the suggestions -
Blessings to you,
I love the first two plates!!! I've never seen anything like them! Beautiful! Enjoy your day!
O.K. this is hysterical! Yes, I gave the pear back because I could never find the right place for it AND I donated that plate with the saying!! I'm going to email you - you probably live down the road from me LOL!
Great finds!
Oh my goodness - too funny! It is SUCH a small world! This is the second time this has happened to me in blogland. Susan on "Between Naps on The Porch" posted a blog about a rooster tureen she saw at the Classy Flea. I had bought it from the Classy Flea and then i saw it on her blog after I had posted about it. How strange!
I LOVE my new plate - glad you donated it! ~giggle~
thought of you last night as I traversed the isles of our local Goodwill store. Best find: A Visual Dictionary by Dorling Kindersly Publishing. Great for the students and Danny and I too!
Hi Kymber,
I love all your finds, but I must say my favorite one is the pear, beautiful just beautiful. Enjoy you break.
Manuela and Kymber!! What a funny story!! I remember when Manuela posted that pear on her blog!! I wish I had been there to grab it up!! lol Enjoy!...Debbie
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