I have been a VERY bad blogger of late! I have neglected to blog about the revolving door that has been happening here this summer. We have been blessed to have several of our children come to visit us and I have been so busy I haven't been able to blog about it! Because this is my journal of sorts, I better get to it!

It has this beautiful carving in the side of it, but we were not able to get out of our car to take pictures of this side of the mountain because it was so crowded and we could not find a parking space! After driving around for what seemed forever, we decided to give up and try another day. This park is VERY popular year round.
Here is Wickipedia's description of this beautiful mountain:
"Stone Mountain is a granite dome monadnock in Stone Mountain, Georgia. At its summit, the elevation is 1,686 feet (513 m) amsl and 825 feet (251.5 m) above the surrounding area. Stone Mountain granite extends underground 9 miles (14 km) at its longest point into Gwinnett County. Numerous reference books and Georgia literature have dubbed Stone Mountain as “the largest exposed piece of granite in the world". This misnomer is most likely a result of advertisement by granite companies and early park administration. In actuality, there are larger exposed granite landscapes throughout the world including the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the Western United States. Stone Mountain is also a quartz monzonite rock when described in geologic terms and is therefore not technically granite. Stone Mountain is well-known not only for its geology, but also for the enormous bas-relief on its north face, the largest bas-relief in the world.[1] Three figures of the Confederate States of America are carved there: Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis"
We were able to go on a hike up to the top of Stone Mountain and see the beautiful view of Atlanta in the distance. It was a fun hike up the mountain although it was VERY humid that day! I forgot to bring some water, so thankfully there was a small store at the top that you could purchase refreshments for the long walk down. I can't believe I actually went on a hike.... in Georgia..... in the summer.... in the extreme humidity....AND FORGOT TO BRING WATER! ~Sigh~ Needless to say, I won't be doing THAT again!

I am sure this would be a beautiful hike in the Spring and summer- with all of the different colors of the flowers and the trees.

Beautiful Picture of my wonderful kids!
I had to say goodbye to Ashley before I was ready. I miss you already sweetheart!

Now - my OLDEST daughter - Brandy will be coming to see me for a week! She is arriving this evening and I am so excited! I am loving this revolving door!

Isn't she beautiful? Can't wait to see her!
Brandy has always been my child that has made me laugh. She has such a great sense of humor and when we are together we laugh so much! I have been so immersed in "life" lately, that I am looking forward to great belly laughs again!

She will probably hate me putting this picture of her here- but hey - it's my blog right? This picture was taken a few years ago at my son's graduation and we were trying desperately to get a good picture of the two of us. Brandy was "cheesing" for the camera and we had to take so many pictures to get a good shot because she kept doing this. By the time we were through we were laughing so hard! This picture has turned out to be one of my favorites because it shows her silliness. I Love it!
This picture was taken last year at the Georgia Aquarium while she was here visiting us. NOT my favorite picture of me - don't know why I have a double chin thing going on, but I LOVE the picture of us together. She is a lot taller then me and had to bend down to get closer to her "little mommy" as she likes to call me.
We will drive out this evening to pick her up, and we will drive out to the airport on Sunday to drop off my son "P" who will be leaving us and flying back home to Washington.
I HATE goodbyes! I will miss you so much when you leave "P"! Thankfully God has been so gracious to allow me these visits. Even though they seem so far and inbetween, I cherish the time that I DO have with all of them.
Somebody ELSE gets so excited to see the kids when they come. Ginger thinks they are coming JUST to see her. She will be dancing this evening when her Brandy gets here!

So glad that you have been able to spend some time with your children this summer, though not as much as you or they would have liked.
I'm thinking "S" is the child living in Alaska, working at her life's calling to be a Marine Biologist. Hope she is enjoying herself. I feel sure she is. A job doesn't seem like work so much if you are doing something you love.
Glad you were able to take Ashley to see Stone Mountain. I have lived in Georgia all my life and had never been to Stone Mountain until a few years ago. We were fortunate enough to be there over the fourth of July and witnessed a spectacular laser show. It was during one of the two trips DH and I have made to the Atlanta area in the twenty plus years my sister has lived there.
I know how hard you must have been working in school, so you were due some R&R. Can't think of a better way to spend the time than with family.
Hi Beginner,
Yes, you are right! "S" is my Marine Biologist living in Alaska right now. She is on a big ship as we speak - hopefully not getting TOO sea sick and holding her own amongst all of the sailors. We haven't hear from her for awhile and can't wait to hear how she likes her new job. In case you were wondering - I always use the first letter of my kids name to protect their identity if they are younger and living at home or in college. When they are out on their own I will disclose their name - with their permission of course!
We really enjoyed Stone mountain - I just can't believe how FAR a mile seems when you are going up a steep hill! Whew!
Take care,
Thanks for sharing your beautiful family. That's great that you have spent precious time with them and one more coming to see you. I just pray for the Lord to continue to guide you, protect you and give you strength for all the things you do. Blessings and have a great weekend sister.
Hi Kymber, I am so happy for you that you get to see some of your children!! I can't imagine not having mine right here close by,but my 20yo wants to move to LA and go to the fashion institute, so we'll see. Your kids are all cute, and I love the pics of them!
Stone mountain looks neat too. I've been to Atlanta a few times and have seen it in the distance, but never gotten close. Sounds like a great time, and I love that carving in the side!
Hope your weekend is awesome! Enjoy!
I love all the pictures. I always enjoy seeing family photos! I have to say, my favorite is the dog who almost looks a bit irritated. Too funny. Have an awesome week!
Stone Mountain is beautiful!
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