I encourage you to stop by and visit all of the participants of Spiritual Sundays. Such an uplifting way to spend a Sunday! Read a variety of wonderful devotions, Bible passages, and listen to edifying music while praising the Lord on His special day of rest for your soul. A special thank you to Charlotte and Ginger for organizing this awesome event for us each week!
Christ's Bondservant
Make me a captive, Lord,
and then I shall be free;
Force me to render up my sword,
and I shall conqueror be.
I sink in life's alarms
when by myself I stand;
Imprison me within Thine arms,
and strong shall be my hand.
My heart is weak and poor
until its master find;
It has no spring of action sure-
it varies with the wind:
It cannot freely move
Till Thou hast wrought its chain;
Enslave it with Thy matchless love,
and deathless it shall reign.
My power is faint and low
till I have learned to serve:
It wants the needed fire to glow,
it wants the breeze to nerve;
It cannot drive the world
Until itself is driven;
Its flag can only be unfurled
When Thou shalt breathe from heaven.
My will is not my own
Till Thou hast made it Thine;
If it would reach a monarch's throne
It must its crown resign:
It only stands unbent
Amid the clashing strife,
When on Thy bosom it has leant
And found in Thee its life
George Mathieson - quoted from the book "The Tale of the Tardy Oxcart by Charles Swindoll"
Blessings on you this week as you surrender it all to the Lord!
What a blessing that God can see the "real" person that we are and still love us.
Beautiful song and wonderful poem. Thanks again for another inspiring post.
What a beautiful poem, and the words are so true. I love the video too.
Blessings, Karen
What a beautiful song. I haven't heard that one before. The real me, he definitely sees us for who we are. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
How are you sister? I'm so tired right now. Busy last night at work. Please pray for the Lord to shield me and my coworkers from the flu viruses going on in one of the units. God bless. Hope all is well.
I SO agree with you! That He would love me in spite of all of my blemishes and sins that are constantly before Him. I am so unworthy and He is so amazing to love me anyway!
I am so glad that I have been given the chance to see "the real YOU!" You my friend are so very special to God and also to me! I feel so blessed to know the person that YOU are!
((Hugs and Blessings))
Oh sweet sister! I most definitely WILL lift you up in prayer! And very glad to do so! This terrible flu virus is hitting close to home in my church also - I pray that you will be safe from it and that you will be able to stand up under the devils obvious attacks to continue to do the hard work that you are being called to do. I will pray that He keep your spirit and your body strong to withstand the attacks. I am thinking of you!
Blessings on your week ahead,
This is nice song. I have not heard it before.
Good song. Thanks for posting....I remember back to the first time I came to your blog and read about your "empty-nest" and your starting over in a new place. I remember the way I felt in my heart about that. We have now been in Scottsdale 20 years and our adult son and daughter both live here now just about five minutes from us. Time changes things. God is good. I pray that you too are "settling" in and things are good. God bless you as you live for Him.
For some reasons, I usually don't go back sometimes but had that urge to click and there you were with your responses to our comments! Thank you sister for the prayers!!!Also thinking of you. If I don't get a chance to email you, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers...
Accidentally clicked again on the old post and God made me knew that you had an update! Congratulations for getting the job! No! Wait...Thank you Lord for giving this job and please continue to reveal it in sister Kymber's heart on what You willed for her in this area. Guide her with Your divine wisdom and protect her. That is awesome news sister! Now, I pray that's the start of being on the right track!!! To God be the glory!!! God bless.
Hi Kymber,
What a beautiful song and poem, so true,thank you for sharing.
I hadn't heard this song before. I'm glad you posted it. It is wonderful to know that He sees the real me and still loves me.
Hope you have had a good day.
Beautiful post Kymber! We can always count on you to encourage and uplift us! Thank you sweet friend!
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