Today was a rare day off for me. I actually have the rest of the week off and am enjoying every minute of it! I can't say that I have been doing much lying around as you see in the cute picture above - I have been playing catch up and getting a few things done around here.
Remember the dilemma I have been having with color for my dining room in this post? Well, I have been working on this room and I am excited to show you what I have done so far.

Say goodbye to the ugly original covering to this old chair...

And say hello to the new and improved chair covering! I am so proud of myself - this is my first attempt at doing this. It was super easy and VERY forgiving! I found a great tutorial here.
I am so motivated now to finish my window treatments for this room and put pictures on the wall. I will show pictures when I get that part done. For now - I am playing with the room arrangement.

Table arrangement with candlesticks... or...
(Wish I could find an interesting wine cupboard or something to store hubby's collection that you see in the corner - the garage maybe?
~Big grin~)

Table arrangement without candlesticks.

As you can see - Ginger is "helping" me by being directly underfoot throughout the whole process. She loves it when I am home all day and rarely leaves my side.
What do you think Ginger?
Blessings on your day today,
Kymber and Ginger
Kymber... it looks GREAT! I'm so proud of you! And I love your wallcolor, too. What color is that? Is it a green or a grey? My monitor is not always faithful.
Sheila :-)
My hubby and I were planning to paint the walls in our home and your wall caught my eyes. I love earth tone colors. And that kind of green is nice, too!
Your chair looks brand new!
I just want to thank you for coming by. Not sure if you had read my response with your comment. But I pray that God will reveal in your heart what He truly willed for you. If that's to become a nurse, go for it sister! He'll be with you always, directing your steps! God bless.
Hi Kymber,
It all looks so beautiful. The toile fabric on the chairs looks amazing and so elegant.
Your unique wall hanging is absolutely stunning.
~Wonderful job!
~Happy 4th! ~Melissa :)
Great Job Kymber!!! I saw the colors in your rug this time, and I'm thinking a warm toasty brown or even one of the reds on the wall. I thought a solid colored vase for the flowers with two taper candleholders by them would be cool too. I absolutely love the chairs. You are quite the crafty talented gal. It's fun to try different things, so thanks for letting us even share our ideas! Kinda fun!
The chair cushions are beautiful!! WHERE did you get that quilt...I am new here. Did you make it?? It is STUNNING!!!!
If you check back here for the answer to your question, the walls are painted a deep Hunter green. I wrestle with whether or not I will change them to red. Today I guess I kind of like all of the colors together, so today I will keep it! Tomorrow...we will see...
Hi Bren,
The quilt is very special to me. My hubby and I bought it from Hawaii. I bought it after we had a memorial service for my mother there and during the service a beautiful sea turtle swam through the sea of Lei's we put out in the water. It was such a beautiful special moment that when I saw this quilt with sea turtles on it - I knew I had to have it! I have always been fascinated by Hawaiian quilts and one day want to make on. I just LOVE applique! I have a quilt book with patterns - one day I will make my own! Just one of many that I want to make LOL!
oh, so pretty
great job on your chair cushions...i'm getting ready to do mine too...haven't decided on a pattern yet, but toile is a good option
well done, girl!!
Hi, Sweet Kymber... dropping back by to wish you a wonderful Fourth!
Love to you...
Sheila :-)
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