On March 4, 2009, a woman named Rachel Barkey, had an opportunity to share about her hope in the midst of terminal cancer. What began as a small talk to her church women’s group became an event attended by over 600 women and was an experience that left many with a desire to discover more about Rachel’s journey and faith.
This is the video of Rachel’s talk at the Women’s Event hosted by Westside Church at the River Rock Show Theatre in Richmond, BC, Canada on March 4, 2009. It is 55 minutes in length.
Rachel lost her battle with cancer just a few short weeks ago. She poured her heart and soul into this - her last speech. It is VERY worth it to take the time to watch as she has some VERY wise words about what we should focus our energies on while here on this earth.
I hope you take the time to watch - it is life changing - as Rachel meant it to be!
Blessings to you,
The place where I now live will not allow me to easily open and view videos as it's not close to "towers." But I thank you for sharing. Happy Sunday.
What a powerful video! I started it before church and will have to finish it when I get back, but wow!
Good morning sister. I have to come back later after taking a nap as I just got home so I'll try to watch her video. Thanks for sharing.
I appreciate the sweet offer of help you posted in my site and I had answered it there. Like what I said, I would only brag about the Lord's help; because of Him, I'm not even affected by what goes on at my workplace. My prayer is that I am an effective reflector of His light in that dark place. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about Nursing. May God continue to guide you with His divine wisdom and bless you. Happy Sunday sister.
I have only had time to watch about twenty minutes of the video. Will have to watch the remainder when we return from the grocery store.
From what I've already seen, it is easy to tell that Rachel was a remarkable woman. Her resolve in the way she faced her illness and impending death is inspiring.
Thanks for the link to this video.
Thank You and Bless you for Sharing this video of Rachel. I could not bring myself to attend church service this morning so this served as my church service. I am having a heavy heart and this was just what I needed as our church is going through too many changes-- just has me questioning my faith and Rachel and finding your blog through Spiritual Sundays was a blessing this Sunday Morning! Have lost loved ones to cancer and she helped my understanding of the great loss.
Thank You!for sharing Karyl
Kymber, at times like this, I really REALLy wish my audio on the laptop was working. This sounds profound. Thanks for the link. I intend to come back and see this.
Wow Kymber. That was such a powerful video. My first instinct was to wait and watch it later because it is quite lengthy. But I know myself. If I waited I probably would not get around to watching it. I'm glad I did watch it. You're right. It was well worth the time. Thank you for posting this. I hope others will take the time to watch it.
Bless you for sharing this.
Had my nap and I just got done watching this. Thank you for sharing a powerful message from the Lord that flowed through Rachel's heart! God is truly "always at work for the good of everyone who loves Him, the ones called according to His purpose." Glory to God!rattria
I turned the video on and went to lay down and listen to it. My heart goes out to her family. If we could all be that brave! I'm glad I took the time to listen to this video. I'm so glad you shared it today.
God Bless,
Hi Kymber. I was able to watch a portion of the video. It's great. Her website has some well worded letters from Rachael on the process of her going home to be with the Lord. Thank you for posting this, and the Lord bless you this new week!
My heart goes out to you my friend! I don't know if you will return to read this, but I am so glad that you stopped by and glad that this message today gave you comfort in your struggles.
It is so hard when there is conflict within the church, but please remember...God isn't the one who is behind the conflict - satan is! I pray that you will go to the Lord and seek His will for a NEW palce of worship. I hope and pray that you will not give up on your search. Sometimes divisions within the church are so bad that they pull the whole body apart, and that is exactly what the devil wants! Don't let all of this harm your faith - you NEED the Lord right now! It sounds like this is the time that the devil is trying to get a foothold - I pray that God will give you strength and that the message you heard today will help you to realize your worth to the Lord and His purpose for you.
I will pray for yOu my friend, that you remain strong and find a church where you will be able to serve Him with gladness and renewed purpose
If you read this - I would LOVE to hear from you again and hear how you are doing. If you would like to email me personally I would LOVE to talk more about this and I would love to pray for and with you.
You are so precious to God dear one - and precious to ME as a fellow believer.
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