I have had the dream to become a nurse for many years now. Slowly over the years I have been taking my prerequisites to apply for the Nursing program. I have three more classes to go before I can apply for the LPN Program. I have put my schooling on the back burner many times over the years so that it would not impact my family too much. I have only taken one or two classes at a time - so this has taken me a long time to get to where I am now! I am now in the season of my life where I can pursue this without too much undue stress on my family. I hope to become a nurse before I am too old - I will be in my fifties before I actually get my degree!
When we moved to Georgia, I decided to wait a year before taking any classes so that I could claim residency status here and not have to pay out of state tuition costs. Recently I stepped out in faith and applied for the Hope Grant. God was so gracious and saw fit to award me with the Hope Grant and because of this wonderful opportunity, I will be able to go on with my schooling and become an RN - something above and beyond what I had hoped for! I have always tried to keep my schooling costs down for my poor husband. He has so much already on his plate, and I truly didn't want to add to it.

During prayer time with the Lord, I gave it all over to Him. I asked that if it was His Will that I continue with this dream to become a nurse, that He would find a way for me to continue because I wasn't able to do it on my own. I found out THAT DAY that my tuition was paid in full! God is so good!

My job in Washington was working with the Elderly - I have such a strong desire to continue with that work! Besides being a wife and mother this has been my greatest joy. It has been so hard not being able to find work here doing what I love, but I know that God has a plan for me and I need to be patient for HIS timing in all of this. If it truly IS His will that I pursue this - it will happen. I have given it ALL over to Him - I am okay with whatever the outcome. I will work as hard as I can to do MY part.
It is going to be a challenge because my time is going to be severely limited. I am first and foremost a wife and mother. My husband needs to be able to count on me to take care of my house and take care of his needs. My son also will require my time and energy. I pray for the strength to continue my work outside the home, care for ALL of my families needs and the brain power and time needed to finish my daily school work which will be substantial.

I am a list maker. It "grounds" me and makes me feel like I have more
control in my life. It is very frustrating to me to have thoughts of everything I need to get done floating around in my head, yet when I write it all down and prioritize it, it is manageble and I don't feel so stressed about things.

I will need to make meal plans so that I can have "freezer" meals available for my husband for the two evenings a week I will be in class. I will have just enough time in between my job and school to stop home and put a casserole in the oven before running off to class. With a plan this shouldn't be too hard to do - when all of my children were at home I did alot of batch cooking - where you prepare two or three casseroles at once - freezing two and having one for that nights dinner. Without a plan, my day will easily become too much to manage!!

I am so excited because my focus for this new journey has changed. Jesus is in the drivers seat and He will see me through!
The content of my blog will remain the same - I am STILL trying to make my house a home for my family. I am still trying to journal about my life for my kids who are far from me. I will continue to worship my Lord with my new friends through my Spiritual Sunday posts. I will still be crafting to preserve my sanity. I also will be checking in from time to time to see how my blogger friends are doing. I hope to be able to also share my new journey with you as well - that of my new life as a student!

I'd better get back to making those lists.....
Kymber! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and proud of you for doing this. Isn't it wonderful to know that our steps are ordered of the Lord -- he guides our pathway. I believe that you will be able to do it all because you'll have him helping you.
Sheila :-)
It's never too late to do something that you have been wanting to pursue, especially if it's the Lord giving you the "go". I pray that the Lord will continue to guide you and give you the strength to finish this career. Some days may be a lot of trying times, but hang on [to His loving hands] and you'll get through this. I know deep in my heart that the Lord will also place you in a special place where you can give Him back the glory! I'm excited to follow your future posts. God bless sister!
Congrats Kymber!
I am thrilled for you. That sounds like a great plan.
Many prayers and blessings to you. ~Warmly, Melissa :)
Kymber, I am so proud for you!You will make a great nurse!Hope you have a great evening! Blessings, Faye
I'm very happy for you and being able to do this with the tuition paid for! I know you will be able to take care of all your responsibilities and the nursing school as well! Keep trusting the Lord and continue to put Him first and He will give you the desires of your heart!! Enjoy your day!
With God by your side, nothing can stop you. He will provide you the strength and stamina you need in the coming days.
Kymber, I detected that tender and compassionate part of you that God made (that makes you want to be a nurse) a very long time ago....well, for as long as I've been reading your blog. I underscore what you're hearing, and I say you are on the right path. This is the time and season, and rest assured the Lord will use you mightily.
What a lovely post and such exciting news! I'm so very proud of you for stepping out to complete the vision the Lord has set on your heart!
Remember when God calls us He is faithful to bring it to pass!
I just know you can do it! I am so glad you are continuing on your nursing path. I did it by studying from 3 am to 7 am each day, while my son was asleep. Like you, I did not want my family to suffer. It took sacrifice, but has been so, so worth it!!! Best of luck and blessings each day to you!
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