I started on a new 21 day journey two weeks ago and haven't had any time to blog about it -I started this along with two of my very best friends and sisters in Christ. We decided to do a 21 day Fast that is called "The Daniel Fast." For those of you who are unfamiliar with this fast, go here to learn more.
The premise of this fast is not to restrict eating for 21 days, but to study the book of Daniel and participate in a partial fast -which restricts specific types of food for a spiritual purpose. It was not my desire to enter into anything legalistic, this is just a personal consecration - to set apart a specific period of time to immerse myself in God's Word and by studying the life of Daniel, to take by HIS example - a food plan for the next 21 days that I am sure will benefit my physical body as well as my spiritual body.
So far on my journey, I have lost 7 pounds! This is definitely an added bonus of this fast. I am now on the final week and I am sad to see it go. I have enjoyed the new diet and the way it makes me feel as well as the time set apart for my Lord. I am thinking about continuing the fast through the end of the month. I will try to be better about posting about my journey.
I have been so very busy lately and have had little time for posting. I have been eagerly awaiting word from the Lord (and my college) about whether I have made it into the nursing program that will begin in April. I should hear word any day now and as you can imagine - I am on pins and needles! This was the main purpose for beginning this fast. I needed to strengthen myself for the answer. What if God wants me to wait for awhile? What if I don't get into the program right now? What direction will I go then? What is my "back up" plan?
To occupy my mind and my time - I have been working constantly! I work at the hospital about 4 days a week and I have taken on a temporary nanny position 2 days a week, caring for a sweet 3 month old little girl while her mommy waits to get her into a nearby day care center in April.
This schedule has left me with very little time for blogging so I apologize for my absence! I am still working my weekend shift at the hospital and have just received word that the lady that I have been filling the job for will not be returning as planned so they want to hire me for this position! This will require me to commit to signing a contract for 1 year - so as you can imagine, I am very torn about this. I will have to give up going to church for a year! I have been working this position now for almost 4 months and I miss my church family desperately! It is my prayer that this is all a part of God's plan for me because if I DO get into the nursing program, I will be able to work the weekends and help my husband out financially. I am hoping to get word soon so that I can accept or reject this offer. Everything is coming together for this new journey in my life - I am now just trying to be patient for the outcome.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I miss visiting you all and will try to be better about posting!
Thanks for sharing your heart, Kymber. May you be filled with peace this week.
You go, girl! I'm so proud of you.
Wanted to drop by and visit before being computerless. Will check back in when I have my trusty sidekick again.
In the mean time, keep up the good work, Dawn!
Sheila :-)
kymber, you have a lot on your plate. no pun intended...and i agree that leaning on the Lord...is true direction.
I hope that your hopes and dreams, wishes and desires are answered by Him. I will pray for that.
When you find time, my friend come see me...
or www.adivashammer.com
when you have time, i'll put the tea kettle on!
But rest assured...even you don't have time...we will always be here...! :)
have a wonderful day Kymber :)
No need to worry about a "back up" plan, because God's got your back. I will continue to pray that everything works out the way God intends. No need to worry about finances, God will provide everything you need.
I'm sure your Church family misses you as much as you miss them. However, a year's contract might not be a bad thing for you right now. God will lead you where you need to go because I know that you are praying about it and have given it over to him to decide what is best for you.
I'll have to read about the fast later. For some reason the site is causing a problem with IE at this time.
Hi sis! I told you how I was happy when the Lord answered my prayer to be able to go part time but the struggle was I wouldn't be able to go to church on weekends, the onyl days that I work. I'm praying that He will show you His true purpose in this as you start working weekends.
I'm glad to hear from you and I pray for the Lord to always give you His guidance, His strength, protection and to bless you abundantly. Be strong in the Lord's mighty power! Take care now.
I hope you have peace with the decision you need to make!
Our church did this fast also this year. At first I found it so hard. My children even wanted to try it! And they did very well also. I even found that my stomach didn't bother me on a daily basis as it usually does! And I found that when we went back to eating regularly I have a hard time with processed foods and even fast foods. So I've been trying to stay away from them now.
My eyes were opened during this fast!
Enjoy your day!
Hi! Just came across your blog and wanted to let you know about my blog, Those Who Hunger, which provides recipes and devotionals for people doing the Daniel Fast. Perhaps it will encourage you, even though I see that you're nearly done! I pray that the Lord will richly bless you as you seek Him during your fast.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." - Matthew 5:6
You can hear joy, peace, and a confidence in this post my friend....I trust and believe you have been given all you need emotionally and spiritually for whatever answer the Lord gives you! I am so looking forward to hearing more about this!
Praying blessings for you and yours!
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