I was able to do some shopping for him while he was here. He got his presents early due to the fact that he is so hard to buy clothes for. I will be sending him his usual cookies though. I am going to start my Christmas baking this week so that I can send Christmas cookies out to all of our kids. They have put in their favorite orders to me so that I can send all of my love through my baking. At least this will give me something to focus on. I also will need to learn the right times to send packages through the mail so that everything gets to them on time. With all of our children so spread out, that is definitely going to be a challenge.
This phase of my life happened before I could blink. I can't believe that I am an empty nester! I miss the sound of laughter in my house and spend alot of time thinking about their childhood years. Cherish the limited time you have with your kids -you young mothers out there who are reading this. It flies by so fast!
One of the gifts that I will be giving our two married daughters this year are memory boxes to hold all of their treasures from their growing up years. I heard about this on Oprah. (I am trying to link to the site - hopefully it worked because I have never done this before - It is supposed to take you to the treasure box section. It is on the third page of the article if it doesn't take you to the right spot) I have faithfully saved every item that my kids have ever made or things that were memorable in their life. Believe me - with seven children - that was alot! As the children become settled in their lives and have their own homes I will be putting together these boxes for them. It is probably going to cause more tears for me because I will walk down memory lane - but I think it will be a good thing to do for the kids as they are missing me as much as I am missing them.
I know that this is a heavy post today. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve - especially when it comes to my children who I consider my greatest achievements in life. This blog will be very therapeutic to me. You are reading my heart everytime I post - the good, the bad and hopefully not too often - the ugly.
If your children are still home with you, really take the time today to look at them. They are God's most precious gifts to us in this life. Curl up on the couch together and read to them (if they are little) and breathe in their wonderful scent. This is what I miss - the evening snuggles on the couch before bedtime.
My precious boy that I just put on the plane was such a special little boy when he was young. He used to say to me most every night - "Mommy - I Love you!"
I would reply, "I love you more!"
He would say, "I love you with the biggest love!"
I would end by saying "Yes, but I love you with a mommy's love and that love is the "biggest" love of all!"
He would smile up at me with his big brown eyes and snuggle into his blankets with a contented sigh....Those are the days that I miss the most!
Blessings to you,