When life hands you lemons....

Chocolate peanut butter balls

Almond Roca - just waiting to be broken into delicious bite size pieces

Soft Peanut Brittle - just poured out hot from the pan - waiting to cool and then broken up into bite size pieces

Brownie Biscotti - added some melted chocolate swirls over the top - yum!
OR... You can finish making your After-Christmas cookies so you can FINALLY send them off to the kids! :)
We awoke yesterday to snow here in Georgia. It was so beautiful and it gave me the opportunity to declare a snow day - a day to relax and play "catch up" on all of the things that fell by the wayside during the frantic holiday chaos. I had the opportunity to finally finish up the cookies I was supposed to have done before Christmas! Something tells me that the kids will enjoy them just as much now -:)
It was a VERY enjoyable day! We had a fire and watched some movies....
This morning we are STILL left with this....

This is the hill that takes us out of our subdivision. This is the halfway point! As you can see, this hill is daunting to walk up and down - even when it is snow free! Add some snow and ice and it is treacherous! We checked out the hill several times during the day yesterday and as the day wore on, it seemed to get icier. I slipped and am now sporting a nice big bruise on my knee - NOT the place to be walking - let alone driving on.
This shot shows my hubby and ginger walking down the hill - again - at the halfway mark. It looks innocent enough -but there is ice under the snow and in our 16 degree weather we are having - it doesn't look like it will be melting anytime soon! This picture was taken during the morning hours. Can you see the truck in the distance that is stuck in the snow on the hill? This is what it looked like by the afternoon yesterday....
The cars are piling up - doesn't look like any of us will be leaving home anytime soon. I am frustrated this morning because the scene hasn't changed much from yesterday's picture - still no DOT sanding trucks - and I was supposed to be at work this morning to work my 12 hour weekend shift! I missed two days last week due to a fever and sinus infection, and it looks like I will be home yet another day today ~sigh~
SOMEONE has been enjoying her snow day though!
Blessings to all of you - hope you are staying warm and enjoying your Saturday!

Hope you're feeling better by now sister! That looks so slippery looking down on that hill. Be careful! But those goodies! Oh my! I felt some gnawing pain all of a sudden in my tummy :)
Take care sister and God bless you always. Stay warm and safe!
OUCH...sorry to hear about your tumble and glad it is not worse!
I am sure late or no, kids will be delighted with goodies from mom!
Ginger is a "doll."
Skip the lemonade with all these yummy goodies....
I slipped and fell on ice yesterday, too. NOT FUN!! Be careful and enjoy your "inside" time.
Blessings, andrea
Those treats would be yummy with a hot cup of tea, especially the biscotti.
We fared much better than you; we are in the center of the state. It really has been cold though. DH has built a fire each evening and that is the warmest I've been since the cold weather set in.
I love snow days and cooking ...When we had the great ice storm in Oklahoma and were without electricity all those days I cooked and cooked and cooked ...thank the Lord for Generators!
Your Ginger is ADORABLE!! We are getting a new baby boxer this week.....I. CANNOT. WAIT!!!
Stay warm my friend and be careful out there...enjoy your goodies...have missed visiting you
Love and Hugs to you
Hi Beginner,
I miss chatting with you! Glad to hear that you are safe and warm in your little corner of Georgia. It sure has been nice to slow down a bit and enjoy the stillness of life without a vehicle. I may protest a bit, but I secretly have loved every minute of it!
Hope to chat with you again soon - drop me an email sometime and let me know how you are doing.
Miss you!
It has been very cold here in Florida. Temps in the low 30's with frost. Good time to be snug as a bug. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, I think I'm starting with something. Wish I was closer, those goodies look very tempting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Kymber, the subdivision looks exactly like the road & subdivision where Danny's Dad lives in Tallapoosa, but as I thought about it, there are hills, curves and brick houses EVERYWHERE in GA. Glad you enjoyed the snow day, and the treats!
LOL, if I had your yummy treats I would love just hunkering down in this snow and eating my fill!!! It is amazing we have this much snow left, though, isn't it?
BTw, take care of those bruises and be careful out there I think it is more slippery today than yeasterday. (((hugs)))
This cold blast in the South has been amazing. My uncle lives in the Savannah area and said it's unbelievably cold. Here in Houston, we're getting a lot of it, as well, although not in the teens yet. Supposed to drop to 22 tonight. Too cold for my Southern blood.
Wish we could see a bit of that snow--I live on the coast of SC and I haven't seen any. BUT we have had the very cold weather--I would prefer a bit of snow with the chill...ah well. Ice is no fun and I am glad we did not get that ice!
Thanks for sharing your snow day with us! What yummy treats you made!
Thank you, too, for stopping by my blog, Just Be Frugal. I appreciate your taking the time to leave me a comment. I hope you'll come back to visit often.
Hi Kymber,
What a lovely post, with all the pictures of the baked goodies (peanut brittle, almond roca, cookies), and the snow, and Ginger (is that him) after enjoying being out in the snow.
SOrry to hear about your colds, and your bruise...hope you recover real soon.
I love the way your post enables me to almost feel what it is like where you come from. Loved the pictures!
I also loved the word of God reminders found in your posts.
I can definitely connect to your heart. Thank you for sharing!
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