When life hands you lemons....
You can make lemonade...OR ....
Chocolate peanut butter balls
Almond Roca - just waiting to be broken into delicious bite size pieces
Soft Peanut Brittle - just poured out hot from the pan - waiting to cool and then broken up into bite size pieces
Brownie Biscotti - added some melted chocolate swirls over the top - yum!OR... You can finish making your After-Christmas cookies so you can FINALLY send them off to the kids! :)We awoke yesterday to snow here in Georgia. It was so beautiful and it gave me the opportunity to declare a snow day - a day to relax and play "catch up" on all of the things that fell by the wayside during the frantic holiday chaos. I had the opportunity to finally finish up the cookies I was supposed to have done before Christmas! Something tells me that the kids will enjoy them just as much now -:)It was a VERY enjoyable day! We had a fire and watched some movies....This morning we are STILL left with this....

This is the hill that takes us out of our subdivision. This is the halfway point! As you can see, this hill is daunting to walk up and down - even when it is snow free! Add some snow and ice and it is treacherous! We checked out the hill several times during the day yesterday and as the day wore on, it seemed to get icier. I slipped and am now sporting a nice big bruise on my knee - NOT the place to be walking - let alone driving on.
This shot shows my hubby and ginger walking down the hill - again - at the halfway mark. It looks innocent enough -but there is ice under the snow and in our 16 degree weather we are having - it doesn't look like it will be melting anytime soon! This picture was taken during the morning hours. Can you see the truck in the distance that is stuck in the snow on the hill? This is what it looked like by the afternoon yesterday....

The cars are piling up - doesn't look like any of us will be leaving home anytime soon. I am frustrated this morning because the scene hasn't changed much from yesterday's picture - still no DOT sanding trucks - and I was supposed to be at work this morning to work my 12 hour weekend shift! I missed two days last week due to a fever and sinus infection, and it looks like I will be home yet another day today ~sigh~
SOMEONE has been enjoying her snow day though!
Blessings to all of you - hope you are staying warm and enjoying your Saturday!