11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity.
Jeremiah 29:11-14
Blessing on your day today,

I love your blog more and more every time I look at it. Thank you for sharing your faith!
So very, very beautiful.
Hi sweet lady.long time,no see.i thought your son had come home?boy am i behind times.
i am finally getting well so i'm out and about re-learning whats happening.
i still love ya...ann
We seem to seek all our lives, hopefully for the things that are pleasing to our creator. For we have been told in Matthew 7:7 "seek and ye shall find".
This was great Kymber. That verse from Jerimiah is my all time favorite verse...it is what I repeart over and over in my head, whenever things are wonderful OR whenver things are hard. His plans are ALWAYS best for me. Thank you for your sweet words about my daughter. Have a wonderful day! Blessings, Debbie
This is such a beautiful promise! The best is yet to come! Thanks for the lovely reminder.
How are you sister Kymber? Praying all is well and everything is manageable...God bless and have a great weekend to you!!!
Beautiful. I had never heard this before. Thank you for posting.
I love this song and the words are sooo true.
Hi kymber,
This song so ministered to me today. Aa well as the scripture that you chose. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful song, you always find the best songs to share. Thank-you for being a part of Spiritual Sunday.
What a beautiful song and beautiful video. I love that scripture about seeking God with all your heart. It has always been very meaningful to me.
He is always there waiting for us, Kymber. Lovely post. TY for sharing.
Have a warm, wonderful week. TTFN~ Marydon
That is just beautiful, thank you ~
This passage of scripture is one that brings such comfort to so many...its His plan, not ours, and He will always lead us into righteousness...nothing happens that He doesn't see or direct...what a comfort that is!
God bless,
This is so beautiful, Kymber. It really lifted my spirits.
Sheila :-)
Hi Kymber! Just love these scriptures!! It's so neat that we can always find what we need in God's Word!!
Hope you have a lovely Friday and weekend, gal!!
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