I feel like the Alice In Wonderland rabbit this week - I have been burning the candle at both ends and am finally conceding that I really can't get everything done that I had planned to.
I was hoping to show you the new projects that I am working on for my WIP Wednesday posts. I really am quite excited to show you - just can't do it right now.
My husband and I are getting ready to fly out to Hawaii on Sunday to celebrate the graduation of our daughter from college. She has worked so hard these past four years and will now be on a new journey as a Marine Biologist. We are so very proud of her!
I have been working two jobs each day this week - working my regular job, and helping a neighbor out whose nanny is out of town. I get home late every night and I am beat! Thankfully there is an end in sight - Sunday we will be off to play for 10 wonderful days!
I am prepping some handwork to do while we are in the airplane. I need to keep myself occupied because flying makes me so nervous. Pictures will have to come later for these new projects. Yes, that is plural - I can't seem to just start one thing! I couldn't settle on one so am going to work on both at the same time. One will be a project to be worked on at home, and one can be taken with me to work on whereever I happen to be. I love portable projects - I seem to always be on the go so these work well for me.
I hope to send off a Mother's Day tribute to my mother before I leave - I hope to have time....
We will see how the rest of the week goes.
Blessings on your week,
Kymber,Wishing you a very Blessed Mothers Day! Blessings, Faye
Congratulation to your daughter! And to you as you spend time in Hawaii!! Enjoy your trip and the projects you work on and please post pictures!!!
What a marvelous trip to coincide with both Mother's Day and your daughter's graduation. I know the R&R will be welcome. You need to take the time to trim the wicks at both ends of that candle.
How happy you must be for your daughter. Please tell her I offer my congratulations on the completion of her studies and I admire her choice of a career.
I pray you have a pleasant and safe journey. We eagerly await the pictures of your new projects. Enjoy your reunion with family. Godspeed!
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