1 I lift up my eyes to you,
to you whose throne is in heaven.
Psalm 123:1
I love all of the different fabrics that you can get in these repro colors. They will add so much character to this quilt!I will post more blocks as I complete them.
It will eventually look like this! Isn't it beautiful? This isn't my quilt - just another borrowed picture from the web. I just love the look of this quilt! I am doing this totally by hand using the English Paper Piecing method. I will show more of these as I put them together. To see more beautiful quilts done using this method - check out The Great Hexagon Quilt Along Two.
I need to get to work -
Blessings on your creative day today!
A beautiful Love Song by Mark Schultz dedicated today in honor of our 11th anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Baby!
Catch for us the foxes,
the little foxes that ruin the vineyards,
our vineyards that are in bloom.
16 My lover is mine and I am his;
he browses among the lilies.
17 Until the day breaks and the shadows flee,
turn, my lover,
and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills.
Song of Solomon 2:15-17
Our beautiful bedroom - oh! The bed was SO comfortable! I never did try out my soaker tub though! The bathroom was through the door that you see by the tub.
We really enjoyed it here. We went to the commissary and stocked up on groceries so that we could eat in most of the time. It cut down on costs considerably and my daughter appreciated some homecooking which she hasn't had in awhile! One of her best friends from high school was able to fly out to be with us this week and it was so much fun to be able to cook for a houseful of people again! It was very therapeutic to be able to talk and laugh while preparing meals - Oh how I miss that!
We did so many fun things on this trip. Because our daughter lives here, and loves to exlore the island, she was able to take us on hikes to find treasures that not many people get the chance to see. We would take off in the early morning and be done by the afternoon which left us time to spend the rest of the day by the pool.
We hiked to a location that had a beautiful hidden waterfall. It took us an hour to hike there and an hour to return. It was quite a hike!! I felt that I got quite a workout everyday on this trip!I wanted my husband to take a picture of the trails that we had to climb. It looks like I am running in this picture, but actually I am just trying to walk up the huge stair length! I am 5'3" tall - so my legs were having to stretch to climb up each stair tread. It was quite a workout for my poor legs. On the way back we had to cross several rivers and my legs were trembling as I tried to jump from rock to rock.
This is the beautiful sight that we walked so far to see - the picture doesn't do it justice. It was so beautiful! My hubby and daughter decided to take a dip - I was just happy to take the pictures. After hearing the girly screams that came out of their mouths when they went in, there was no way I was getting in there! :-)
They had lots of fun swimming after our long hike!
We spent one day at Hanaumu Bay which is a VERY popular place in Oahu. My hubby, our daughter and her boyfriend and my daughter's friend went snorkeling and I enjoyed myself reading on the beach. They were able to see lots of beautiful fish and sea turtles. My daughter's boyfriend picked up an octopus which let off a stream of ink as he let it go.
Isn't the water magnificent? I love the breathtaking blues!
Here is a picture of my Hubby and me - don't we look relaxed?
In my next post I will tell you all about this beautiful girl. This is a picture of me and the new graduate. The whole reason for our trip to Hawaii! I had to crop my hubby out of this picture. It wasn't a very flattering shot of him - he BARELY tolerates me putting pictures of him up on my blog as it is! I love this picture of the two of us though.
"S" graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Marine Biology - Phi Betta Kappa. We are so proud of her! She managed to do it in four years which I hear is usually VERY difficult to achieve. She worked so hard during her four years in Hawaii. She took some very challenging courses while working two jobs - we are so very proud of her!!
I will dedicate my next post to showing you her big day and some of her life that she has been able to enjoy here while in Hawaii.
Unitl then - it's good to be back!
Blessings to you,