Our class filled out the necessary paperwork and applied for background checks and drug tests, then we met with a uniform company to try on our nursing uniforms!! It felt SO great to be able to finally put one on! I am sure I will be sick of white by the end of the year! :)
We were given a large envelope filled with material to go over. There is just so much - I felt my head spinning. We went over our book list - I have nine books that I will need for the first quarter! I already have homework to be completed before the first day of class too - (Eek!)
One of the girls said, "this program is no joke - you will have lots of fun here, but be prepared to cry ALOT as you will be pushed to the point of exhaustion. Be prepared to kiss your family and friends goodbye for this year of your life." She also said that she really didn't advise working - especially for the first quarter which has me worried - I HAVE to work two twelve hour shifts on the weekends! I have no choice in the matter. At least my hubby told me I could have a housekeeper come in every other week to clean so I don't have to worry about that.
This will definitely be an interesting year! I truly believe that this is all in the Lord's plan for my life - He has brought me to this place - He will have to see me through it! I will have to cling to Him - now just to find the extra time needed for reading my Bible - I really need to keep focused on Him and keep up my morning time with Him now more than ever - because I can't go to church and it would be TOO easy to just let my morning quiet time fall by the wayside - Lord be with me, and help me find the needed time to spend with You!!
I am SO grateful to Him for this wonderful new adventure I am on.
Off to order some books...
Blessings on your day,