Update: I survived that horrible long test! Whew! I am SO exhausted! As usual I am extremely hard on myself -I KNOW if I would have had the time to study, I could have done better but for not having enough time due to my job and other classroom commitments, I really can't complain! I got a fairly decent score - God is SOOO good! I give HIM ALL the glory! Now all I have to do is wait to see if my test scores - coupled with my GPA are good enough to get me into the program. I will find that out at the end of February - early March. Hopefully I will make it because I NEVER want to take that awful test again! :)
Thanks to all of you who took time out of your day to lift me up in prayer. It was such a wonderful feeling this morning to know that I was covered in prayer by my friends and family! I felt very calm during the test and I know that it will all turn out the way God wants it to.
I can't thank you enough for your continued support When I DO hear the results, I may have to make another blog just geared towards my student nursing journey......Stay tuned!
Today I will be taking the nursing pre-entrance exam...today will determine whether I make it into the nursing program in April. I have been so busy finishing up my finals for other classes, that I haven't been able to put much of an effort into studying for this test. The study guide is full of things that I have learned over the years, but in my distress - I feel I have forgotten everything! NOTHNG seems to make sense to me. I feel a peace about it all though - I KNOW that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing today. God will carry me through this!
Worst case scenario will be that I have to retake the test again in 6 months and I will miss out on making it into the program in the Spring, but I am NOT giving up! I will continue to press on because I believe with a bold assurance that THIS is what I am called to do and even though I am unsure of God's timeline, if it is HIS Will - I know it will happen in HIS time - not when I think it should happen! This is hard for me to type out - I truly want this more than anything else that I have wanted - but I am giving it all over to Him right now - to do with it what He will.
God's Will be done!
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Phillipians 4:11-13
Please pray for me today - I will be starting the test at 8:30am EST and finishing at 12:00
Thank you for lifting me up - I will post the results when I return.
Kymber, it is 7:30 a.m., and I have just prayed for you. I prayed that you will remain calm, that your mind be clear, that you will have the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and that He will prompt you with the answers.
Sheila :-)
you will be in my prayers. from one nurse to another, you can do it beause YOU have a special place in your heart to comfort those that need to feel whole. i've been a lpn for 17 years. i never thought i had it in me...i did it and so can you
Oh Kymber I am praying for you right now that God will allow you to remember all the information that you have learned over the years, and manage to get it all down on paper as you should. I pray that God would calm and settle any nerves that might interfere with this. I'd ask that you might feel physically strong and alert through the whole test as well, and that there would not be any distractions around you that might keep you from thinking. We,d ask Lord that she might pass this test with flying colors that she would be able to move towards the goal that you have called her to. In Jesus Name we pray, AMEN....
I am lifting you up and covering you in prayer and trusting that Gods Will Be Done! You got this my friend and I believe that all of the answers will just flow into your mind at the exact time needed!
Keep us updated.
Love and Prayers
Yes, may His will be done! Whatever the outcome, He knows best! He is always ever near! And I'm glad you're trusting in Him. God bless and may He grant your heart's desires, according to His will.
I hope you do well on the test! I have a son studying now for the LSAT. He is sweating away.
Thanks for your recent visit to Bible Fountain.
You have an award on arise 2 write.
Your attitude and thinking is just what is should be. You were much on my mind and in my prayers on Friday.
Like you, I'm so glad it is behind you. Maybe now you will be fully able to enjoy the approaching season. Unlike some, you know in your heart, "the reason for the season".
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