I have been wanting to share this with you for the last week or so - bear with me - this may be a wordy post...
As you know, I am now working as a Nursing Aide again - doing what I love, working with the Elderly. I hope to continue working with the elderly population once I BECOME a nurse , because I love these special people so much. I get WAY more out of working for them then I feel I give TO them!
I was privileged this week to work with a very special lady. I will carry her in my heart for a great while because she left me with a huge message that I want to share with you. A message I will not soon forget!
I was setting up breakfast trays, when I approached a bed in a darkened room. There was a small woman lying in her bed - surrounded by pillows which were propped all around her. As I moved them so that she could be turned, I was touched by how tiny and frail she was. She was so thin and as I moved the pillows I became more and more aware of how fragile her life really was. I sat her up in bed to help her eat. She was so weak that I had to hold the straw up to her lips so that she could drink from it. I held my breath as she sipped from the straw - hoping that the liquid would make it to her parched lips.
She tried to talk to me but couldn't quite mouth the words yet. She didn't need to though because her eyes spoke volumes - her soul seemed to jump out at me through her beautiful eyes! I was spellbound and couldn't take my eyes away from hers as she tried desperately to speak. I leaned closer to try to hear her. I asked her if she was comfortable and she blinked. I had the overpowering urge right then to pray for her! Around her neck she wore a beautiful cross. I asked her if it would be alright if I prayed for her and her eyes welled up with tears. She asked me if I could do it right away with her. Even though my time was very limited, I had SO much to do - I knew that the Lord wanted me to take the time needed to give this dear woman comfort. So we prayed -together! I pressed my forehead against hers and we prayed. I kissed her forehead and as I raised myself up, I saw huge tears well up in her eyes and she mouthed the words - "Thank you..."
I felt very inadequate at praying, but I knew that God wanted me to do this for her - that it was important at this very moment to this dear woman. She whispered to me that she missed her parents. I told her that she would see them again - that ALL of the things she was going through right now were just momentary - but that she would be greeting her beloved family one day soon on the other side - in Heaven! Her beautiful eyes brightened and tears streamed down her face. All of a sudden the light faded and her eyes changed. She looked so forlorn and lost! I asked her what was wrong and she began to tell me about her brother. She told me that she wasn't sure if he was in Heaven right now. She told me that she missed him so much! She told me that he hadn't walked with God while here on earth and the pain that I saw in this dear woman's face is what I can't get out of my thoughts today! All I could do for her was hold her hand and let her cry out her pain and sorrow for her beloved brother. ...
Today I am thinking of MY life and all of the people whom I care about who are not walking with the Lord. I think of my children who are far from Him! Time is so short for ALL of us here on this earth! How much time has already gone by in my life and how fast my children have grown and are now walking the paths of THEIR lives with their new families. Many of them are apathetic when it comes to the Lord - they BELIEVE in God, but don't live their lives for Him - Is it enough? Or do God's words about being lukewarm apply to such as these?
As you know, I am now working as a Nursing Aide again - doing what I love, working with the Elderly. I hope to continue working with the elderly population once I BECOME a nurse , because I love these special people so much. I get WAY more out of working for them then I feel I give TO them!
I was privileged this week to work with a very special lady. I will carry her in my heart for a great while because she left me with a huge message that I want to share with you. A message I will not soon forget!
I was setting up breakfast trays, when I approached a bed in a darkened room. There was a small woman lying in her bed - surrounded by pillows which were propped all around her. As I moved them so that she could be turned, I was touched by how tiny and frail she was. She was so thin and as I moved the pillows I became more and more aware of how fragile her life really was. I sat her up in bed to help her eat. She was so weak that I had to hold the straw up to her lips so that she could drink from it. I held my breath as she sipped from the straw - hoping that the liquid would make it to her parched lips.
She tried to talk to me but couldn't quite mouth the words yet. She didn't need to though because her eyes spoke volumes - her soul seemed to jump out at me through her beautiful eyes! I was spellbound and couldn't take my eyes away from hers as she tried desperately to speak. I leaned closer to try to hear her. I asked her if she was comfortable and she blinked. I had the overpowering urge right then to pray for her! Around her neck she wore a beautiful cross. I asked her if it would be alright if I prayed for her and her eyes welled up with tears. She asked me if I could do it right away with her. Even though my time was very limited, I had SO much to do - I knew that the Lord wanted me to take the time needed to give this dear woman comfort. So we prayed -together! I pressed my forehead against hers and we prayed. I kissed her forehead and as I raised myself up, I saw huge tears well up in her eyes and she mouthed the words - "Thank you..."
I felt very inadequate at praying, but I knew that God wanted me to do this for her - that it was important at this very moment to this dear woman. She whispered to me that she missed her parents. I told her that she would see them again - that ALL of the things she was going through right now were just momentary - but that she would be greeting her beloved family one day soon on the other side - in Heaven! Her beautiful eyes brightened and tears streamed down her face. All of a sudden the light faded and her eyes changed. She looked so forlorn and lost! I asked her what was wrong and she began to tell me about her brother. She told me that she wasn't sure if he was in Heaven right now. She told me that she missed him so much! She told me that he hadn't walked with God while here on earth and the pain that I saw in this dear woman's face is what I can't get out of my thoughts today! All I could do for her was hold her hand and let her cry out her pain and sorrow for her beloved brother. ...
Today I am thinking of MY life and all of the people whom I care about who are not walking with the Lord. I think of my children who are far from Him! Time is so short for ALL of us here on this earth! How much time has already gone by in my life and how fast my children have grown and are now walking the paths of THEIR lives with their new families. Many of them are apathetic when it comes to the Lord - they BELIEVE in God, but don't live their lives for Him - Is it enough? Or do God's words about being lukewarm apply to such as these?
16"So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
17You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.
20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
21To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
22He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
Revelation 3:16-21
I fear for the time that we all have left for none of us know the time or day in which the Lord will take us. I need to do all that I possible can - with the time that I have left to PRAY and pray without ceasing - as I have been called to do for the ones I love - while I still HAVE the time to pray!
I am reminded of the story of the mother of John Newton who prayed for her son for only seven short years before the Lord took her home. BUT SHE USED HER TIME TO PRAY! John floundered for a time after his mothers death but came back to the Lord later in his life and went on to write the famous Hymn - "Amazing Grace." If interested, you can read about his amazing life and his struggle to find his way back to the Lord, here. It is a long read, but VERY inspiring!
I am reminded of the story of the mother of John Newton who prayed for her son for only seven short years before the Lord took her home. BUT SHE USED HER TIME TO PRAY! John floundered for a time after his mothers death but came back to the Lord later in his life and went on to write the famous Hymn - "Amazing Grace." If interested, you can read about his amazing life and his struggle to find his way back to the Lord, here. It is a long read, but VERY inspiring!

Prayer has always been my weakest point. I tend to procrastinate when I try to pray. Do you? I become so overwhelmed for all that I must pray about - that I give up! I need to remember God's words that EVEN though I may stumble with what to say - God can hear my grumblings and if I am faithful - even if it is just mouthing the person's name that I am praying for - God will hear the longings of my heart.
Lord, please help me to be faithful to the call to pray without ceasing - and let it start today so that I will have no regrets tomorrow!
7"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Blessings to you,
I have family members who are not believers, and I pray for them. I know this pain.
I understand this pain, bless you.
Kymber, What a beautiful post, it brought tears to my eyes. I had a similar situation with a patient. This little lady was able to care for herself quite well prior to going for a dental procedure and having her airway obstructed during the procedure. Her room was across from my desk at the nursing station and I would go in and sit with her as soon as I got caught up because I knew that she was scared. She had tremendous pain in her head and face because the dental procedure could not be completed. I just held her hand and stroked her arm and face until the demerol kicked in. She couldn't speak because of the trach so she indicated that she wanted to write me a note. I handed her a piece of paper and a pencil and patiently waited until she was done. She slowly handed the paper back to me with the message, I am dying. She looked deep into my eyes and awaited my answer. My eyes immediately filled with tears as I looked back at her. I didn't know how I should answer. I didn't know how much I could say. The only thing I could do was nod my head and tell her that she was not alone. That God was with her at all times and that he would take care of her. I then closed my eyes and said a silent prayer for her.
We really didn't think that she would make it but God started to heal her frail 92 year old body and she was discharged to a SNF several weeks later.
Thanks for sharing this wonder post. Have a great SS.
Kymber, what you say is true about prayer. I've often thought that is people really believed God would answer prayer, they would pray. Being too busy isn't what stops me, it's doubt that it will do any good. Do I have the faith of a mustard seed, which is PURE? Is my faith full of impurites? I also believe time is short, but even if the Lord delays His coming another 100 years, we don't know if we have tomorrow, so today is the time to pray. You have the wonderful privilege of being with people in the winter of their lives, perhaps even the last opportunity to be prayed for...what a blessing! It warms my heart that you enjoy being around the wonderful seniors...we need more people like that.
God bless you,
Such a moving message. I'm touched by the story. Le us keep praying for our family.
You are such blessings for others!
The Lord give you more strength and blessings.
Thank you for your boldness to pray for this dear lady who spoke volumes to all of us today despite her weakness. Bless you.
Sister, your post brought me back when I had my rotation with the elderly and when I took care of them postop in Ortho at the hospital I used to work at...I'm glad that you felt and submitted to the Spirit's leading in initiating you to pray with that sweet woman. Even if you didn't know how to pray, the Lord promised us that the Spirit would do that for us, with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. So many of the elderly are lonesome because of being alone, weak, worried about death. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide you, protect you as He places many more special elders in your care. I know you bless them so much because of Him.
Didn't you tell me you bought a book "The Case for the Real Jesus" by Strobel? My DH just finished reading that and he loved it. I had just a glimpse but I'm reading something else at this time. How do you like it?
God bless you sister and I'm so glad that you are sensitive to the needs of those people in your loving hands. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers. May many more turn to Christ, starting with our own family. God bless.
I used to work with the elderly and really enjoyed it. It was nice to be there for people and to show them kindness, and to have a listening ear and to treat them with dignity.
As far as prayer, I have seen it do mighty things in my kids life--I have been so encouraged by God's work in their lives through prayer.
Take heart dear friend. I believe when we die in this world as Psalm 6:5 says "For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?" And I also believe what Revelation 21:4 says "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
These scriptures bring me comfort when I think of those that haven't come to know God, in a real and meaningful way.
I am very thankful that you were there to pray for and with this patient. We can always "make" time for the important things, and you did.
What a beautiful, moving post.
I have been strugging with this very thing lately...spending enough time in prayer. What a precious gift you gave to this woman and what a precious gift she gave to you!
Wow! As you may know from things I have said in the past, I struggle with LONG posts. But I stayed with this one all the way to the end. You are an evangelist--a powerful one. It is a dangerous thing to meet God unprepared. I wish some did not offer false hope to those who die not knowing Christ. You told a powerful story. It will do much good. It will give us a sense of urgency in reaching out to others. Thank you for your love and concern. We must pray and then reach out with love and grace to tell others about Christ and His love for them. Thank you for this excellent post. God bless you as you live for Him.
Wow! I am so glad you asked me a question about Thomas Nelson because I am blessed by your message today and your profile! My whole family is drawn to working with the elderly. I am soo thanfkul you were able to pray with this woman and can so relate to her pain and desire to have her family in Eternity with her.
I am in the process of learning how to love my family (parents and brother) and pray for them to come to know and accept Jesus as their saviour. I know it is nothing of my doing, only Jesus can draw them to Himself but my prayers are heard! and those of others who lift them up, Just as you did with this woman. Yes, the LORD does hear you and the Holy Spirit will lead you and lay people on your hearts to pray for them but when you "lay" them at the foot of Jesus then it is HIM that does the Work, Healing, Wooing, etc. but you were the one that took them to the altar :)
anyway :) back to your question about Thomas Nelson.
I have loved reviewing for them and have not gotten one email unless I ask them something about reviewing nor have I gotten a phone call or anything. They have completely left me alone and been completely accomodating! If you desire to review for them I highly recommend it!
I would love to follow you and put you on my blog roll if you don't mind :)
Soo nice to meet you!
Tears! ...
Thank God you were there when that elderly lady desperately needed your presence.
Your words have certainly touched me ... thank you for making my day richer for having been here!
Thank you for this wonderful post, Kymber. I think it is wonderful that you comforted and prayed with that dear woman. When we're young we think we will always be that way, but now that I'm in my 70s I realize more and more how fleeting this life really is. It seems like yesterday that I was a teenager.
Kymber the verse that tells us not to be lukewarm scares me, it always has. The older lady is very blessed to have you as a nurse. I will pray for your children.
God Bless,
Kymber, Thank you for taking the to write this beautiful post. You are the fifth person who has mentioned Revelation 3 to me this week. God is extending His mercy and He is going to give us more opportunities like this to pray with people. Blessings
Bless you Kymber! I know what comfort you brought to that dear lady. What beautiful seeds you have sown into that sweet life. Thank you for a lovely post!
This is such a powerful post...thank you! The pain the elderly feel is real. A lot of them have lost control of their lives and feel anxious and troubled. Your concern for your patients shows in your post. Please keep doing what you can for them...I know they appreciate what you do. May you have a blessed week.
Beautifully written. You may feel inadequate at praying, but your writing expressed your feelings and concerns so well. We all have loved ones who refuse to hear the truth. And you are so right, we need to continue to pray, pray, pray. Our pastor spoke on this subject yesterday. Wonderful post. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your heart, Kymber. God bless you!
Yes, Prayer is very important. I am so glad you were obedient at that moment to pray . I am reminded of what Martin Luther said ." I am so busy today that I must spend the first three hours in prayer." When we pray one of the benefits for us is that the Lord refreshes us & through his power we seem to get more done.Or at least our discernment is heightened & we see what he wants us to get done."Only One Life ,Will Soon Be Past, Only What is Done for Christ Will Last"
Love in Christ,
First, I want to tell you that your story reminds me of my mother. She was a nurses aide in a nursing home for 5 years and then at the age of 48 she decided to go back to the community college and become an R.N. She was a nurse in the same nursing home from the age 50 to 65 and loved it. Good luck on your journey to becoming a nurse! As for praying, I think we all have times in our lives when we don't pray as much as we feel we should. It's never too late to start though.
Anita :)
Kymber, Thank you for this post, and for commenting on my blog! I do see the wonderful value in Spiritual Sunday, and will continue to link up every Sunday.
I hope to get to know you more through your blog.
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