I am finally DONE with my third quarter of nursing school and decided to put down in writing what my schedule was like - just so that I could remember how crazy it was. There was no way I could have found the time to blog during the quarter - I was literally bogged down with work every single moment of the day. In order to stay on top of all of the work I had to do, it was necessary for me to get up every morning at 3:00am! I am an early riser so it didn't bother me too much - but by the end of the day - I was EXHAUSTED! I apologize in advance for boring anyone - I am sure this is only interesting to me, but I really want to remember what Nursing School was like - I only wish I was able to blog about my daily events - it has been an amazing experience from start to finish and I am ALMOST done! I am so close to graduation- I only have 10 more weeks left and I will graduate June 16th. My dream to become a nurse is finally just around the corner! All of my struggles will become just a memory to me. I have met some of the most wonderful people this year - my classmates. We have seen so much together. It truly has been such an amazing experience!
This quarter we studied Obstetrics and Pediatrics.
Here is what my schedule was like:
We had 8 clinical Obstetric days at the hospital - and we had assessments that we had to do for each of the sites that we were at - for example:
We had to do an assessement on a vaginal delivery and on a neonate (newborn)
We had to do an assessment on a cesarean delivery and on a neonate
We had to do a postpartum assessment AND we also had to do a 26 page assessment on any one of these patients
So that is a total of 6 assessments due for Obstetrics!
We spent 5 clinical Leadership days at a nursing home - (we had a 26 page assessment that we had to do on a resident of our choice)
We had 1 clinical Growth and Development observation day at a day care center (we had to write a paper on our observations about a child and answer questions regarding their development - 5 pages)
We spent 3 clinical days at a day care for medically fragile children (we had to write a paper about a child that we observed. A lot of these children were born premature so we had to write about what there developmental delays were and what a normal development for this age group should be - 4 pages)
We spent 3 clinical days following a school nurse (for me it was at a high school) thankfully we didn't have to do any paper work for this rotation.
We had to organize and participate in a school Blood Drive
We had to organize and participate in a Pediatric Health Fair
We had to write a Resume and Cover Letter and participate in a mock Panel Interview. It felt like it was real because we had to dress up in our business attire and sit before our instructors and 6 of our classmates. Everyone was graded on their performance - by the instructor AND by our classmates! It was very unnerving!
We had to participate in a Group Panel Discussion and give a presentation - each person had to speak for no less than 8 minutes. My speech was about Organ Donation - complete with a power point presentation
We had 3-5 papers due every week on various subjects pertaining to Leadership. These papers took FOREVER to write!
We had 6 Homework assignments due for OB, and online quizzes every other week.
We had 4 homework assignments due for Pediatrics.
We had 3 exams for OB and 3 for Pediatrics. We had 2 finals for OB, 2 for Pediatrics, and 2 for Leadership
WHEW! I can happily say that I survived this quarter and I received 4 A's and 2 B's ! I worked so hard for those grades and even though it is STILL hard for this type A personality to get B's - I will take it because I am moving forward every day toward my goal!
I am heading off to Miami tomorrow with my sweet husband for an extended weekend - I can't wait to lay out in the sun and do NOTHING. I probably should be reading ahead - because school starts back up on Monday - but I have decided to just relax and enjoy my few days off before the stress starts up again.
If you are still with me - thank you for your continued prayers and support - this has been such a crazy adventure and even though I have enjoyed it immensely, I can't wait to be done with it so I can get back to my life again. I look forward to the days when I can work in my yard, and in my home, and do some sewing projects. I look forward to having time to share my life on my blog again.
This is just a moment in time and then it will be over - so I am enjoying it while it is here.
I HAVE started crocheting a baby blanket for my new grandchild who will be born sometime this fall - it feels so good to be doing this again - I forgot how relaxing it is to just sit and crochet and reflect on the new arrival!
Blessings to all of you,